The World Bank Group’s Gender Strategy for 2024-2030 aims to end poverty and create a more livable world by reducing gender inequality. The strategy includes comprehensive measures to promote women’s full and equal participation in economic, social and political life. The Strategy sets out the policies, programs and financing instruments necessary for women’s empowerment and gender equality.
Main Objectives of the Strategy
Ensuring Basic Welfare
The World Bank Group aims to increase women’s access to health, education and social services to ensure their basic well-being. In this context, it is emphasized that gender equality policies should be implemented more effectively in health and education systems. Women’s access to health services and equal opportunities in education form the basis of gender equality.
Economic Participation and Leadership
Increasing women’s economic participation and leadership roles is another important component of the strategy. The World Bank Group aims to develop programs that support women’s entrepreneurship and policies to prevent gender discrimination in the workplace. Increasing women’s participation in the labor force promotes economic growth and improves the well-being of societies. Therefore, it is crucial to provide the necessary environment for women to participate more actively in economic life.
Funding and Large Scale Programs
The financing and large-scale programs needed to achieve gender equality are an important part of the strategy. The World Bank Group plans to increase the impact of gender equality projects by allocating more resources to them. These projects aim to increase women’s access to economic opportunities, reduce gender-based violence and raise public awareness on gender equality.
Türkiye and Gender Equality
Türkiye has taken important steps towards gender equality, but there is still room for improvement. The World Bank Group’s strategy includes the reforms and policies needed to achieve gender equality in countries like Türkiye. Women’s labor force participation rate in Türkiye is below the world average, but recent legislative reforms and public awareness efforts aim to improve this situation. Achieving gender equality in education and the labor market will contribute significantly to Türkiye’s economic and social development.
The World Bank Group Gender Strategy 2024-2030 offers comprehensive and effective measures to achieve gender equality. Ensuring women’s full and equal participation in economic, social and political life is critical for sustainable development and poverty reduction. This strategy will contribute to empowering women and making societies more just and equitable.