Those who Believe in Change

Our Supporters

We would like to thank our valuable supporters for helping us realize the mission of Inclusion Awareness Network.


As the INAN Community we embarked on a journey with those who believe that everyone deserves an opportunity to succeed. We want to create a sustainable business world where everyone can unleash their potential regardless of talent, gender, ethnicity, disability, or sexual orientation.

Why now?

A culture forms organically in every company. Why not transform this culture into a talent magnet with amazing people? Especially now, as different generations work together and migration is increasing, concerns about talent scarcity have emerged, and companies need diversity for innovation.

Isn’t it the perfect time to create such a culture?

What can I do?

If you are an HR leader, come and initiate change in your organization!

Let’s implement the standards of inclusivity together and find the best practice examples. Self-assess, create solutions, and become a change ambassador, starting with your company!

Guest Posts


It all starts with hearing what is happening. Awareness and change will follow.

Awareness, which begins with believing, is the first step towards change.

Sesi Açıyoruz!

We are addressing the unspoken in collaboration with Harvard Business Review
